03.15.11 Added APB and BF:Play4Free [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
massively is doing a closed beta key give away if anyone interested. I don't know if its instant access however. check it out if you'd like
So i got my "Closed Beta Access Granted" email, and I am downloading it right now. woot. I wonder if anything has changed so far or if they did a...
I seen the tv commercial once. But I do see crap loads of ads online. Seems every website I hit has a Rift ad. Pretty sure there are tons in...
btw if you haven't bought rift yet and want to get it through direct2drive, there is a 20% off promo going right now code is: burnout
curious, you know thats a movie yeah? =) cant wait for it actually.. comes out on the 11th going to try and catch it in the theater
thx! no worries, however 90% of the 'required info' is not real on my account anyway =P I can vouch for mmorpg.com tho, its been around a while...
Wrote a review on MMORPG.com. and here it is for your reading pleasure. However, I would greatly appreciate if you gave the link a click and maybe...
hmm I wonder when the actual beta will start = / I figured once you use the key, you got access damn them and their trickery!
^this man I loved phantasy star
So I'm pretty sure I got into beta xD anyone else get any welcome back to san paro emails?
I believe its the same one. http://www.mortalonline.com/index.php From what I remember, no one was willing to give it a shot after Darkfail....
Not sure if anyone posted this already, but I got an email this morning about it. Free Trials starting now! Watch our Free Trial Promo and...
I been playing it for a bit (my own code) and its not bad. OK for free. Still got issues and a bit laggy. UI is slow as shit for me.
what server do you guys play on? nvm didnt see the dedicated forum for it =P
I was actually thinking of something similar sort of like a prequel to WoW.. maybe even BEFORE the Titans were powerful. Where they were still...
if it doesn't work for you, I ... um... have Resurrection Scrolls I can give you XD or ... trials (plug plug) =)
APB (All Points Bulletin) Returns! [IMG] :: Open Beta has Started! :: :: We're officially on server JOKER(US EAST) :: :: Check out our XoO forum...
i got into the beta too.. will probably start playing it tomorrow sometime.
everyone gets the remade zones for free i believe. paid content is being able to play the new races and new zones. I've been playing cata beta...