The problem mostly has to do with Biotic Charge and how much as a vanguard I use that :p I love playing my Vanguard fast and loose (only way to...
I love my vanguard and how brutal he is (in both SP and MP) but holy balls does he bug out in MP. That makes me a sad panda
To be fair, having been on the dev side of client rantings & mixed messages (have seen one client almost become a literal revolving door from his...
True enough, and you can always count me in for the D3 division though I wouldn't want to be an officer given my new job (after a few weeks I go...
I'll definitely be playing (hell, amazon reminds me every couple of weeks that they're working on finding my collector's edition ;p) but I...
grats, I haven't yet sadly because I'm getting ready to move :(
He wasn't knocking console gaming as far as I could see. It was a less direct method of saying that Art Direction != Graphical Quality. If you...
and of course it matches Doc's avatar perfectly :p
Since this hasn't been posted yet ;p [img]
I just loved the "some guy named bin..laden?" response to that one
It is not. They did decide to use adornments for your monsters (you can put.. bows, hats, other monsters on them) but thankfully it does not...
and when she finally gets to be with her love interest, Zelda, the internet will explode.
I see your ehow link and raise you a dumblaws link ;p Also, it is amusing how many...
Yizelin Has logged 931.7 hours of playtime — that's 38 days, 19 hours, and 42 minutes, with most of the time being spent playing Borderlands,...
Account Information Username: Yizelin Steam member since: 2004-12-04 Found...
or not far enough if it couldn't prevent that from happening :p
they play it pretty straight at the beginning considering old training videos ive seen. I also loved how the end reminded me of the wendy's ones...
Nope, only because I do not keep my fandom of it a secret.
So then does that art book video confirm that NA shipped collector's in fact have a physical copy?
Same sentiment, but with Sam B. I throw elbows like a pro and curbstomp for however much I need to in order to absolutely pop heads off people :P