Oh no! My Rock Bank 2 trophies are gone. What will I ever do? GO OUTSIDE? PLAY THE GAME AGAIN!?!?!?!? I guess I'll just spend my time on this...
And so would 90% of the people on the "TERA CHECKING IN" thread.
WOW 4.2GHZ Max overclock on 6 cores with 100% stability that's pretty sick <.< I wish I could get my duo that high LOL. Good luck to your PSU....
These are out of stock now. I just tried to order one guess i'm a little too late. Hopefully they will restock soon!
Nice pics Excel the urban shot catches my love because of that angle and eye catchyness. Even in the busy city with the way the picture is taken...
That's really sick!!!! Wow, Kaz you got talent. Donated :D
Yeah that's pretty sick I like the background in Kyoji's A LOT but something like your stock image is exactly what I wanted Kaz. I also am a...
Hey fellas I'm looking for a goog sig since I don't have photoshop anymore. I'll send you $10 to $15 via paypal for a creation. What I'm...
downloads for what the game? If you mean the game then the download page would in your account management
I'm so sorry I was drunk and when I read the name at first I swear to god I thought it said "The Extendables" and when I read the names Arnold...
Grats to you guys. It's a good thing to show them who's boss before they put the epic nerf down on him and all the sub par guilds are going to be...
Reach is not a "top secret" beta you can get into it by just buying a copy of ODST and having the disk with you. The disk they give you with ODST...
I'll cover the mmo side Daoc, wow, lineage2, aoc, lotro, aion been there for everything pretty much... raider, pvper, pver, crafter. Honestly...
1. Age (18+ Requirement): 20 2. In-Game Name: Vhex if you scan terafans my username is SheionValentine 3. Do you have vent and a mic?: Yeah. 4....