Crossbows would be a decent idea if they are attracted to sound, its the same concept of putting a piece of metal into them... a major difference...
Very cool, thanks for the link.
What kind of church? I guess if people don't say otherwise it's going to be Christian huh. I still find it funny when those 2 Canadian soldiers...
Whatever you find fun ^_^
I have to agree with nam, saying otherwise is sexist. Why not make the same connection based on race? Or religion? Grow up society =P
Yeah basically, assuming you know the general direction of the epicenter the best idea is to head away from that direction and try and aim for a...
Great to have you in the community, welcome to Xen of Onslaught =]
Haha, you were in the guild before WAR weren't you? =]
Yay its bob! Missed you.
The greatest threat zombies give you is disabling your environment, they cut off trade routes, shut down businesses, no power, no water...
Haha wow, very nicely done! Keep those arms buff though =]
You see this is why HA in GW was so brilliant, you have a big blob of players all fighting it out, and only the cream would rise to actually...
The good news is that I live at the coast line, so I can be out in the water in less than 10 mins (in a kyak). Bad news is that I'm also at the...
Well, its almost that stage in my training where I start sharing what innovations and give back to the community as far as thought process goes....
Anything numbered ans set into a competition is a battle of numbers, it's just about manipulating those numbers given the circumstance. What you...
I know we have a few fans, who here has heard of them and what are your thoughts? Discography, if you like it buy the albums:...
Only if it had death metal song accompaniment.
Rep is just a silly point system XoO had a long time ago but they had to take it down because people started making a big deal of it and it...
Thanks Jenn, that was very informative, and the cat singing was very cute =]