I find it amusing that mental retardation only applies as a status if it happens before the age of 18, where as people can grow up to have the...
How does babycham = Sham? Ah I get it, marry ROSE =P
For me it's not about passing the test, but about understanding the answers for the questions, which is the premise of any test ;] Besides, once...
Then someone needs to update the front page.
The main difference in the economic standpoint is that WoW is micro sub and GW is SAG, but if you weigh the prices of either GW turns out about...
What is all of this is a lengthy psychotic episode Clark has been having? That would explain a lot.
No problem, always great to see a vet xoobie around =]
I've created a facebook event for it as well.
Answers I don't understand: n Seal! Bran Egg Mayonaise Babycham Mary Rose Yeah I got stuck on Tribat's hangup too.
Don Zardeone quit XoO a while ago after an upset that it was decided he couldn't start XoE up again because the command structure in the divisions...
So...... it's Rakion 2?
Thanks for the info Sokar =] I'm just glad he did get charged for assault, people who are violently homophobic are a danger to society on both a...
I think you should talk to Dash about that Kyoji.
=O Wut? I think that lawyers REALLY should be a service payed by the government on a salary basis, that way everyone gets a lawyer when they need...
It just means the cops are good at agro management.
http://www.goblinscomic.com/ Enjoy.
You assume a lot Sokar =] Vancouver is kind of weird because you can go 10 blocks and have a completely different moral standpoint from where you...
If someone has 125lbs of muscle mass on them I would not consider them healthy as much as grotesquely toned; IMO there's extremes on both lack and...
Wellll its getting around the time I'm going to actually start writing down the massive thought construct of my dnd campaign so it can be played,...
Progress on the CoC would be appreciated and I think an announcement on general guild direction would be helpful as well. Thinking outside the...