WTB mesmerizing cat signature TYVM
Got it on preorder here, you?
Dash is the founder of XoO, hailing back to the original Planetside gaming days. XoO is a multi-gaming community but its inception was more or...
Maybe she should name her kid Jackpot, just sayin'.
D3 is going to have a hardcore following. The D2 dungeon-crawler crowd does in fact crave more D2, and the auction house is for real-time cash....
I just got in the beta too =D [IMG]
No idea what the correlation was but cool vid! =D That kind of stuff is ezmode once get it down right and in good practice.
Uhhh yes?
Depends on the person IMO. Like an executive chair with a wide seat might be appealing until you realize you have to be 350 pounds to...
Suhwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! The Chuck Norris is strong with that one :) Thank you :)
That'd be pretty mega awesome of you :D
It's like I have to own one... Aaahhhh!!
Boom necro! [IMG]
Such win is hard to find. [IMG]
38 Studios is brand spanking new so what we have is a fast win in some departments rather than a decade-refined stroke of genius. If I were to...
Any sig work still getting done 'round these parts? Wondering if I could get a XoO Blackice pasted on one of these and have it turned into an...
I'm thinking of tossing my old case to build a somewhat quieter rig, which in turn made me wonder what the best CPU cases of this day and age are....
Burton and Depp have a common understanding so they keep going with it. Interesting choice of film I'll have to watch it when it comes out.