This just in from Tom's Hardware:,14956.html#xtor=RSS-998 IBM has a...
Screenies, or it didn't happen.
For starters, you're going to want a larger and faster OS drive. The Corsair Force is great but the minimalist 40GB doesn't leave any room for...
Tiger Direct's having a monitor sale today if you're interested:...
Chyea! Nova was great. I stuck with Katana for the strength/speed balance. This game gets me so fired up, haha.
Awesome find, thanks doctorie.
Oldie but goodie. One for the Street Fighter crowd if you're into fighting games. [media]...
Now you're sorry? Tough luck but I caught you fair and square on that one. Now you gotta pay up.
Stop. Smoking. Crack.
Latest sale:...
Free is good. I'll be on as Phaedrus, Incarnal or Incarn at some point during that time. If anyone needs dungeon runthroughs PM me here or in-game.
Hands off, grubba 67riI_A_pCA
Thai Flooding Crisis. And nope, still going strong. They just found a profit sector and bought literally as much as they could hold.
Lovin' the technical production ZuunY8BTqNs
First time I tried, I thought I had my gfx clocked about that high, and it turned out the software was not actually overclocking it, even though...
Try unplugging it and plugging it back in a few times in a row and let it load completely each time. It might give you a good go one of the times....
Who will own the 10 thousand dollar monitor? Surely at least one of us has a high-priced lawyer willing to buck or two out of that.
The shots looks great, thanks for showing us.
Boner kill
Yes, that is pricey. Phenom II X4 (Any) is a great choice. What you are looking at should be like 110 CPU 90 MOBO 60 RAM ~100+/-20 HDD 20 DVD RW...