cry more? And basketball is a contact sport to an extent, I used to have season tickets to the sacramento KINGS and people got hit with...
They need to follow Morrowind gamestyle and have graphics like oblivion. Morrowind was one of the first big games I played, to this day I still...
LOL if u read the article he thinks u can tell what a person is like on how they play basketball, what a joke?
this post gets my thumbs up of aproval! :D
How is the middle east brought into this roch? Kinda opposite ends of the World.
WTF do mel gibson and wesley snipes have to do with each other? Kyoji isnt really one of our smarter members... hes kinda "new".
i tried stealing funds from kyoji all night, lawl.
r u a part of XoO or just a guest?
could be a lack of iron, or its really dry out. omg lol, the last bit of it is funny as shit.
im from the oakland area - The protesters are not protesters, they were rioters. So, let me understand this - you want to take your revenge on...
I actually thought it was pretty fun to watch