I think I was signed up by default.
Seems like a must play.
I tried a similar price-point Asus board and couldn't get it to post. Not due to DOA, but because it refused to recognize the hardware I had...
I've had some problems with motherboards recently and this is the one I found worked the best for me....
Is it bad that I'm more interested in PU missions and FPS, than Ship to Ship combat?
So basically 7 Days to Die, but not from an Indy Dev?
A setting.
When travel the Open Universe the sliders will limit how many other players, players interact with. They are suggesting that you may never know...
I'm still interested.
Yea that saves me about $40, I went ahead and ordered them.
Send out a group message when the times get locked in, or narrowed down.
If you want to give this a go on a Saturday I would be interested in trying it out.
What will you being using to create characters? I've only dabbled in PnP, but that was always the most intimidating part.
I've been having some hard locks. Sometimes while playing games, or after coming back to the computer, after many hours of being AFK. Basically...
I'll be on, and tried to get some of the PS2 guys in as well. I like the learning curve of this game. I find my self having to get a feel and...
This game is fun. It reminds me of the old days of Raven Shield and Athena's Sword.
Never mind, downloaded the wrong thing.