how the shit does it get that big thats ridic....
well yeah thats why its $100 (at least, usually) more than a 660TI, but if its a budget build then its an easy way to save $100 if he needs to....
I would guess that win8 wont appreciate your other locations even if you can get them to see them. Ill poke around and see what i can find. im...
the 3770k is pretty boss, i like mine :) i would def at least get 1x8gb if not 2x8gb, also he might be ok with the 660 TI, i mean it has the...
my lian li has 2 140mm fans in the front but i dont think there is room for a pump along with it. might have to do a custom loop,which im...
doesnt really say i would anticipate they are just preinstalled and dont need to be fiddled with since they know most enthusiasts will want to...
i might have to do the same with my new 670 as well
after like 2 minutes..... [IMG] Update: Found this as well... That article also says 'Immenent release' so hopefully i can pick one up soon....
jeez i guess me and hays are the guys for XBMC :D yeah an APU like that is MORE than enough, especially if a raspberry pi can do it lol also i...
i got it down to 200 with... nmedia 7000b $80 MSI fM2-a55m-e33 $45 AMD A4-5300 $55 G Skill value ram 4gb DDR3 1333 $21
also i updated my scores with the X version and with dedicated physx cards
get the FTW, like enigma said i think its binned higher and will likely OC to at least the clock speeds, if its really that important to you. to...
yeah i updated my OP with what i was looking at getting, i dont want to spend that much
So ive been thinking about building a new XBMC, my old lappy is starting to struggle with cooling. basically i want to spend as little money as...
oh yeah gotcha i thought you meant it was too high so it was keeping me from being stable higher, derp not sure why this is closed so opening it...
sure - if you like corsair lol i wont touch corsair or crucial, pretty much only run kingston or now mushkin, dunno just never liked their stuff.
I see newegg has a 10% coupon for all desktop RAM. I also see they have my set of Mushkin Redline in stock for 104.95 or something like that....
yeah but i believe it makes your kboost higher too so its kind of a trade off i guess, the oc guide recommended maxing that out along with voltage
well i was able to find a pretty decent overclock ran heaven for an hour and it worked fine.
Metro 2033 i get 20 frames per second, plus 40 frames avg sucks. i want at least 60, plus you forget im running 2560x1440 resolution, which is...