Also looking forward to being there. Should be a thrilling time.
So I was talking to ManBearPig on teamspeak about internet and since I hadn't ran a speedtest in a while i decided to see what im clocking in...
Damn thanks for posting this. Definitely good to know.
i run MSE, and i always like McAffee Enterprise but you prolly cant get your hands on that. Dont be retarded and keep backups.
weird i would have thought this would have been resolved in kernels a plenty and roms far and wide but yeah it seems like no one has implemented...
Im trying to get a Fiio e07k running in full AMP/DAC mode on my galaxy nexus toro but having trouble finding anything that will fully do this for...
unless youre overclocking dont bother with watercooling, but if you do youll want to since your shit is already going to run hot. I would get the...
personally i run an old headless laptop running XBMC with an asus wifi N adapter stream from NFS shares. Very slick and fast. I dont like DLNA its...
my build if i ever get around to it will use swiftec slim rads, and an apogee 2
yeah for comparison, i pay 60 for the 50mb, the 105mb is around 120 i think, and the 3mb is 20. I forget what the others are. 15 for $30 and 30...
lol last i check sprint isnt doing very well competing with anyone in my area lol sadly i have to say my local cable provider recently did...
looks pretty solid, i would guess you could save money on ram if you go lower end, i would maybe try to sneak an SSD too, or maybe an 8gb ssd...
Thats not actually what they said. They said that there isnt enough demand to justify the cost for them to do it basically. There is always a...
Some info on why this would make a good rendering computer would be helpful. Especially since preliminary research has said that AMD processors...
so not worth it.
youll prolly want to get Chrome to replace the stock browser, i like it a lot better. +! to beautiful widgets. currents is kinda interesting....
makes me glad i have 50 down '5' up, i usually can get the 50 down but the 5 is more like 3.5-4mbs
:| wtf onyl thing i can think of is weird variation that you just happen to get better speeds when you were on the VPN, otherwise, its possible...
yeah im leaning that direction too, especially since i dont mind loud fans anyway since they will be PWM, Im thinking the AX360 by XSPC or whatever.