Im done with that game to be honest.
I need a clean install of windows so might just go for 10 when it releases. If it sucks ill just downgrade to 7 before I reinstall everything.
Bought chivalry and CS:GO
As im sure most of you know the steam summer sale is on, feel free to post any good games that you recommend to everyone. Currently guns of...
Whooaaaa... not paying that much... How does this monitor compare to your one? kinda need the 2 HDMI ports. PS gonna move this into tech talk...
Gonna stick with 1080p haven't got any fancy hardware and don't plan on upgrading till Star Citizen releases. Going to try get that monitor you...
Looks like ill be buying a single 27" monitor, Thanks guys!
Yeah i meant for like stats, teamspeak, spotify etc, I wouldnt use it for gaming.
Does anyone run dual screens? If so same size or smaller secondary ? 27" looks good, not that much more than 24"
Do you not find it too big? Do you play FPS much on it?
Was looking to get a new monitor so just wondering what size everyone else used. If you have time mention the kind of monitor you have....
Really looking forward to this game. But EA...
Me and my friend made an iphone app, i know not many people have iphones but if you do check it out: Thanks a lot,...
Nice work!
Happy holidays everyone!
Most contributive member of 2014(list up to 8) Samjizz, Samjizz, Samjizz, Samjizz, Samjizz Favorite leader of 2014 (list up to 3) imb0r3d?,...
An experiment carried out by a father with his child. Great read if anyone has time. LINK rapidz
Cheers for the heads up.
My psn is abdulrapidz1. If you see me online just throw me an invite.