DIDDO - in the last beta i got to participate in I played all 4 classes to level 8. I skipped through all the quest stuff, saving the story line...
I actually got my own this time and will not have to borrow anyone else's. However, I am loaning it to someone else who is seriously interested in...
You do understand context and how it can cause a word with a very simple definition to mean something different? You have just graduated to the...
All I took from the Q part you linked was that the division must be competitive and not casual. That is some very subjective wording. :) Is my...
I was at that meeting and at the time had not gotten to actually play the game yet. I did ask about a XoO division and was told there was not...
I understand your line of thought gankfest. Your of the opinion that recruiting and division formation should have been done a long time ago so...
This thread isn't supposed to be about arguing. It's supposed to be about answering my question of how do we get a division going. Can we please...
Before I joined XoO a tad over a year ago I was in a guild named "Onslaught" that was formed in dark age of camelot. I was in this guild for the...
cool how many we need to start a div? I didn't want to derail the "Who has Ordered" thread with this discussion as that doesn't appear to be...
Those pic's you linked enigma are like showing electrical engineering schematics to a gopher :) the gopher dont know what the hell he is looking...
That card you linked says "3GB 384bit GDDR5" The card I have says "3GB 384-bit GDDR5" Aren't they the same, other than it saying "Overclocked"?...
My cpu is the 3770k stock it runs like 3.4 , but I got it overclocked stable at 5.1. HD is a Samsung SSD, my ram was some of the fastest 64Gb that...
Built me a new pc back in February 2013 with a ton of help from you all. Was hoping you could steer me towards a good video card or set of video...
The ability for the player's characters to join any alliance, no matter which race you choose <---- do you get that with the DIGITAL IMPERIAL...
Over the course of three years playing wow I spent about 300 dollars on gold, expansions and the like. Over the course of one year playing...
Maybe they were just showing like a group quest boss or something not like actual group dungeon content... those group quest bosses are always...
Second that - one of their beta weekends needs to be end game - they give you 3 maxed out level toons and say have fun for the weekend exploring...
Disagree - minor things need adding/changed but the game can be enjoyably played as is. As is, it is better than the last four major mmo's I have...
Leoben, or something very close to that