Thats a bunch of bullshit.
HAHA You found me out. Good thing you weren't my instructors in a couple classes over the last year.
looks pretty sexy
Wikipedia is not a citable reference on any work at the university I go to... in fact if you get caught using it at all, it's an automatic fail on...
That is a dam good review and it covered the one thing about the game that just kind of stays in the back of your mind the whole time playing it,...
When you break a iron sword down, do you get iron ingots back? Trouble having zonning in to instance based dungeon - YES, we would go in and...
I always considered an instanced based underground structure made entirely of stone with a huge stone door to gain entrance, full of stronger than...
I did EP the last beta. Trying AD this one. Will try DC next beta. Want to give them all an honest shake to see what I like the best. I think that...
that statement wasn't in reference to your statement gank, that was me offering some advice to anyone who might think to just try a dungeon with a...
Dont go into four man dungeons with only two people :) and dont stand in the red highlighted areas on the ground :) even if you are the one tanking...
PSS here is a good read on whats beyond the noob intro zones:...
I don't know what you guys have experienced in pve that you are calling terrible? The only pve I have experienced so far is the first ten levels...
Ive been playing AD this weekend.
I haven't gotten any loading times on zoning yet. Like when you take the boat to the other continent at around level 7 or somethin
I didn't have to wait as long as it said. About 5 minutes after whining here I got in. A second before the timer was up to like 59 minutes.
I cant imagine that if they did it would have this problem. Though the point of this weekends beta is stress testing. Why would they stress test a...
Login que's are supposed to go down as time passes, not up. Says 38 minutes now.
Ugh a 20minute login que.... Hope this isn't indicative of things to come at launch...
The dude that was gonna get my beta this weekend got a beta invite today in his email so I will be playing this weekend. Come launch day it will...