Issue was the download link to the two intros that posted lead nowhere lol
Ill prob try it out. Its early access I think as of now
Seems the crafting still a work in progress
As I said we need also the guild into stuff lol
Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/pup_twilight YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsTBX_sxntp8HLE7NZTsndQ?view_as=public
Are you at least 18 years of Age?: 28 Where did you hear about us?: Already in guild just bought CrowFall Previous Gaming Experience: Rising Force...
ya I have been for a few days atm have not logged in since it started to get busy a bit at work but will slow back down
Oh Dash is a guest now!!! Lok
Btw need new files to download for the YouTube intro since.they are missing lol
They will go away after getting caught hacking/cheating like most games and claim the game sucked so the reason why you don't seem most the key...
Haha I'm still active in BDO and was looking at crowfall but atm moving into a house so haven't paid for CF yet. Also KoS aka knights of Shadow...
Oh CoE is testing? Thought @Ani was doing Revelations online till CoE starts up
I have it on Xbox =3
Oh nice...... question is does it list it on the server list?
Oh hiya there.... btw CCR TM RF2 =3 and Tensai from CM rfo says hiya to old Cora XoO
I have it so let me know if we decided on a server or launching our own. Btw if you spend 60 USD on the full package PerfectPing gives you life...
Well its early access so there is lag and server issues atm due to bugs. Also its way more playable and has more stuff in it for Early Access...
Ya some servers your char logs out when you do and some they stay on the server and some I think stay on for X amount of time before it logs them
You can play solo/ co-op Also allows to change rates of you host a server....... But hosting seems only thew perfectping