Damn that looks tasty!
This is great! Really exciting to see people from XoO take such an interest in this game! All this information will surely help us out a lot when...
http://www.anandtech.com/bench/product/1068?vs=1056http://www.anandtech.com/bench/product/1068?vs=1056 That is a bit more detailed benchmark...
Are you over 18: Yes Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone: Yes What is the link to your steam profile:...
I hope he only plays some very selected titles from our current games...
Just wait a year or two and hopefully we'll be seeing SSD mass storage being competitive to even HDDs, that's all I'm hoping for.
You have to buy access to a F2P game's OPEN Beta? That sounds pretty fishy to me...
Yes yes and FUCK YES! Same publisher as KR, so let's hope they do a decent job at keeping all shards up-to-date and actually care about their...
Just a suggestion, but why don't you also check out the Acer XB280HK: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824009658 Which is a...
What type of workload will the computer be generally used for?
wot wot
You are right, 80+ Gold have better parts and are a bit more reliable. But honestly, power efficiency does no kick in unless the power supply is...
Your choices are great, but not for a budget build. PSU: Good choice, but why go for 80+ Gold, when you can save almost 30$ and go with a corsair...
I'm having trouble understanding the exact purpose of this build. You mentioned family use and every now and again light gaming. From my...
Yes the platform is expensive, but if you're even considering the x99 platform, that means you're well over the 1500 dollar mark, which for most...
These are still launch day kits, so DDR4 is not yet impressive, although timings don't really matter for games that much, plus DDR4 starts at...
For that kind of a budget, I'd recommend going for a Haswell-E processor with a 2011-v3 socket motherboard.
Hey, sorry for the late reply, had gone on a weekend trip with some friends.I'll be on TS3 tomorrow at anytime you guys are available.
How old are you?: 19 In-Game Name: Obscure Do you have TS3 and a working mic?: Yes Where did you hear about us?: Archeage forums Previous Gaming...