Application Denied We asked you to get in contact with us and till today you have not done that. It's not clear to us at this moment if your...
Interviewed and ACCEPTED. Your 30-day probationary period will start when you've reached level 60. Make sure you check out Xen of Onslaught's...
Good application, why didn't you do it like this on your first try? Would make our job a lot easier :)
Very nice application. Thank you for putting some effort in it, I enjoyed reading it. Will send you our teamspeak details in a private message....
Thank you for your application. I've sent you our Teamspeak details in a private message. Hope we can speak to you soon.
I've send you our teamspeak details in a private message. Hope to catch you soon on Ts.
Trial period failed. You've quitted the game.
Trial period failed. You went inactive for your exams, but you never reappeared.
Trial Period failed. You've quitted the game.
Trial period failed. You went inactive without notice.
Trial period failed. You have quitted the game.
Trial Period failed. You went inactive without notice.
Trial Period failed. You forgot to log on during your 30 days of Trial.
APPLICATION DENIED Next time try to keep us updated on your status.
Trial period failed.
Trial period failed. You went inactive without notice during your 30 day Trail Period.
Trial period failed. You've left the guild.