Approved and on probation. Previous memeber
Ok! Hope to talk to you soon!
TS info Sent. Just hop in to teamspeak and join the usergroup and we can begin your interview.
I am in TS and can do interview whenever.
Approved and on Probation.
I been waiting for this game for 2 years now, and once they said they have no plans coming to the west anytime soon it broke my heart. I know...
Congratulations all!!
I see you went with the naked screenshot of my character! Congrats all!
Great work All. Keep it going!
Albion Online!!!
[IMG] I miss the rowboat Army =(
Sneaky have we provided you with Team speak info yet?
Thats fine, Reach out to one of us when you can. Talk to you soon, and thank you for being interested in XEN