The closed beta signup for Quake Champions is now open. I don't know how many people here are old quake/unreal fans...
Looks neat but I'll likely throw it in the basket of "way off from being finished".
Wasn't AMD supposed to release a new set of GPU soon? Fury or something?
This is a huge boon to the medium/high computing market. Just on price/performance point alone. That vast majority of people weren't purchasing at...
[img] Not sure how many people still follow Destiny news or were actively playing while Xen didn't have a division for it but there has been news...
Did this ever come out? Watched a bunch of the previews looked like fun. Might be better than Armoured Warfare since everyone ditched on that <_<
I assume you would. 70 max players per server is pretty low for a big public server. I'd personally wait for it to be developed a bit more before...
Yo; I'm down. I can't donate all of my time to it since I'll still be raiding but I certainly wouldn't mind popping in and playing some PvP with...
Speaking of the different game modes; which would we as a guild care about most? I am always biased towards RvRvR; 3 faction stuff. Always mean...
RvRvR is the best setup without a doubt. RF Online hold a very fond place in my heart for this reason. Nothing better than moving around around...
How is the market looking for GPU Enigma? Better to wait or buy these days. I updated the rest of my rig last year but I still have an old GTX670...
I thought it was amusing but honestly getting a picture of hacking doesn't really work. It is a lot less interesting than the movies make it out...
I am personally more interesting in CU. I imagine both of them will fail to deliver 100% of their goals due to the small dev. team but as long as...
Looking forward to 2017 with everyone : D
I kinda miss player driven systems in MMOs for shit like that. RF Online had the race council which was always full of drama and random shit....
Necropolis : D Thanks for doing this Varitas and good luck to everyone who enters.
Been playing this with my S/O. The new version is pretty stellar. Get the....
Been keeping my eye on this one. To be honest, I would certainly give it a go if it hit open beta/launch 2017 before Crowfall/CU got going. Don't...
Because it used to be a good game a long time ago even if it was one of the smaller MMOs. On a long enough timeline; most unpopular MMOs become...