Pretty good considering a bunch of us were new (myself included) and we took a really long time to get started due to connection issues. Cleared...
Looking forward to it; the timing works really nicely for PC players as for people late into the game will have a better base game and those of us...
Nightfall isn't too bad this week. Even with a PUG group two nights ago we were able to clear it with a number of screw ups (near wipes). Advice:...
I am fine with either. The most important thing to me is having a set time so I can tell my wife ahead of time that I need to book off 2-3 hours.
I am on/off late during PST evening times (9 MST - 11 MST); was on vacation last week. Also I have a baby so my playnight aren't certainly every...
: D Had a ton of fun playing with Enigma, Jes, and Renesh even if I couldn't talk all the time in the evenings (baby sleeping xD). I'll be away...
Of course my physical edition is late. Sigh Amazon. Apparently I'll be getting my copy sometime on Wednesday.
Sweet; Pre-loads are up in for those that paid digitally (or had the beta installed). I highly recommend pre-loading the client over...
Just a quick update for people who didn't make it. Engima, Jes, and myself showed up. There was a post by bungie explaining PC launch times -...
Two weeks; almost here >: D Hyped!
Saturday Morning got the most votes from people (3); along those lines does 12PM(Noon) EST work for most people then? That would be 10 AM here,...
Hey Crew; With the release of Destiny 2 dropping in late-ish October I thought it would be a good time to do a meet-up (Oct 13,14,15). While none...
Loved the first one but more than patience enough to wait around for a year or two until it goes on Steam sale prices. Even more so with Destiny 2...
Joined. Don't know how much beta I will be playing as I already put in a handful of hours but maybe we can get together one of the nights to fuck...
Riot#1670, been playing around with each class. Content is super limited as per the console beta but setting stuff up on PC is nice. Change your...
Looks pretty cool, reminds me of when I used to play Infantry Online from SOE back in the day. RIP
Context? Or having WW2 flashbacks?
August is awhile. End of august is even longer : < The game is going to be out on consoles not long after. Seems like the PC beta is honestly only...
Had some downtime during the weekend and decided to preview it on the Xbox. Played the first mission, strike, and one round of PvP. Overall; my...
Just going to wait for the PC beta to check things out. I can't imagine it is long enough to not have it all spoiled by streamers in a couple hours.