Since my playtime is limited, I'll show up at the normal time if others are interested in a veteran/experienced run. If that fails to take off (3...
That is pretty amusing. I had a similar experience when I was doing a public event with another 2 hunter. Between all of us, we could chain out...
It is a decent hold-over update. I still really enjoy the game but it has some deeper systems flaws that aren't going to be fixed in a month or...
This game looks pretty sick from what I have seen/heard of it. One of my friends is really into Monster Hunter so I'll likely be thinking about...
Also a good information update; Bungie is releasing a blog post today with the rough roadmap or desired future state of Destiny 2. Depending if...
No worries Dead, always better to take some time to chill and relax rather than feeling like you have to commit into things. I didn't have the...
What time seems to be working best for everyone? Should we stick with the usual Saturday @ 6 EST? How is everyone's schedule for next week? Also,...
[img] Got my last exotic boots last night. : D They are pretty fun to play around with and make me feel like I have Gundam legs. Now I am just...
Good work in the raid this weekend guys. Another good clear while teaching others how to overcome the odds. Honestly I feel like we lost as much...
Don't worry the last run I got double mob justice from the tokens. <_< Oh well. It is a pretty fun submachine gun. I like how you have 4 Ghost...
Saturday should be good for me (booked Sunday).
Good work on the raid this week. As a clan, we were able to finish the nightfall, raid, and crucible rewards for everyone. Looking forward to next...
Sunday 6 EST then (4 MST, 3 PST)? ((Please show up 5-10 minutes early so we can start on time if your coming).
@EniGmA1987 Would Sunday afternoon/evening work for you?
If you and Engima are better suited for Sunday evening/afternoon is that something that works for everyone?
Forums are for old people
Bump. What raid time works best for most people this week? Is Saturday afternoon our slots?
Yeah, it is pretty decent if you aren't rocking anything else. Striker is pretty insane good atm mostly due to pulse grenades. Nice Enigma -...
Thread to post your phat loot. Be it exotics, trials, raid gear, whatnots. [IMG] Week 2 reward for killing Calus. Was able to down him Sunday...
Honestly it has been a long time since the RIFT days - I am pretty sure only a few of us are even left from that time. We gain nothing from...