There are multiple ways to obtain a key. More sites than the official one are handing out keys. Of course, it requires you to whore out facebook...
Both in fact
Well I don't think XoO has an official division for it now. There was one, but not currently.
[MEDIA] Now THIS is how you make a remake!
Has it been a year already? :P
Next patch ;)
That spooky ending with the beep :O
As far as I know the game is pretty different from the KR version. Low level PvP, B2P and more community feedback being used etc. I'm probably...
I stream once every full moon but I'll eventually get around to doing it more. Gotta either play solo games or play with someone that speaks...
What is your in game name?: Míshka How old are you?: 20 Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?: Yes Can you make raid nights on...
Already a member of XoO. User group application has been accepted!
Any other Scandinavians in Xen? :D
Game seems fun. But im knee deep in DOTA and FFXIV atm. Tho I would consider playing the game for PvP if there are any XoO players into it :)
Best day ever :P
Hellol Sorry for the late reply, I've been away for 2 weeks. Unfortunately we have no intention of playing on EU servers. This guild is heavily...
You guys are doing great :P Almost makes me wanna come back to WoW... Almost
I agree. I really hate EA... But they still publish as lot of my favorite games. So I tend to get them anyway. Dragon Age Inquisition was pretty...
I heard from a friend that it doesn't have a campaign. I won't take his word for it, but I know a lot of people would like a campaign.
Trailer can bee seen here :) [MEDIA]