cant wait to start running with you too agian so glad you didnt totally give up on the game...
ill be there sounds good might actually get to know some of the rest of our gaming community looking forward to it...
welcome aboard hope to see ya in the rvr lakes. :)
welcome to the guild....
hope to see ya around steel you were always up to help ppl out thanks for the effort and mooooooo.... and hail mebard...
ty for the bday wish ......
deffinetly a movie i have saw previews for and will see at some point another one that lloks kinda good is 2012 thats is look it up on google and...
zarash that site was pretty good lol
fuck i dont know how it did this 2 times lol god im so blonde at moments...
wow that nasa site is awesome i saved it i feel like my brain is on overload now and love it good info i deffinetly learned something today.... i...
not scared just makes ya think is it ever safe to go anywhere
hahahah lets poke him a laugh that could amuse me for a bit..
wow and to think i grew up in pa thats scary and this is why i have at home gym equipment this world is a scary place if you cant do it at home...
grrr this sig thing better work this time ok now i need to figure out the one i made with my toons i need help zarash help me hehehhe....
hahahaa i love it ronjermy is such a geek how is it he gets so much action lol..... and stewy is the shit.. and i throw some love for however is...
thats funny yeah it does look like the boss has a xen cloak thats funny we own lost vale .... safaria
all the books are really good reads but i just never really enjoyed watching the movies it takes away all imagination i like to let my mind make...
thank you for the honor to be here hope to haave many more days with you guys i enjoy ebery mimute of it... loving every minute of it heheheheh.....