Sadly the UK has been hammered by terrorist activities. Best wishes and I hope all of you guys and your friends and family are safe. God speed....
Saved for thoughts Graphics Overhaul First and foremost the graphics overhaul is amazing. It took a white-washed looking game that, until now, I...
“MASSIVE REVEAL” DAY IS HERE! Tuesday May 16th, 2017 A little over a week ago, Crowfall® Creative Director/ArtCraft Co-Founder J. Todd Coleman...
Sent you a PM for the interview.
FOUNDERS’ UPDATE: EK PVP TOGGLE INCOMING Wednesday May 10th, 2017 Howdy, folks! As a thank you to the backers who participated in our Eternal...
One week away from the reveal. Until then they have released some more teasers First is the Frostweaver [IMG] Second is the Forgemaster...
https://crowfall.com/en/news/something-is-coming/ SOMETHING IS COMING... Thursday May 4th, 2017 Since our initial teaser campaign for...
Accepted and on Probation
Sorry for the late reply. Was on vacation. What time is best for you for an interview? @Pouncer
There may be snow on the rooftop but there is plenty of fire in the fireplace.
Glad to see you again mate. :D
Still a LONG ways off
I LOVED playing CoX. I will most likely be giving this a shot at some point.
In case you had not noticed, we have been reorganizing our website following our move to new hosting. We now have organized the guides, from city...
A big thanks to @Arimil for helping with the PHP coding. He is a master coder.
Over the last few weeks we have been hard at work helping to increase productivity on the forum and provide better tools for our members. I have...
Added 3 new videos to increase the hype.
If you are interested in getting a specific forum for a game you like and want to gain support for that game simply shoot me a message asking for it.