omg i loved that book wen i was little, and i cant wait to see the movie. I saw an interview with the director and the author, and the author said...
Awesome!! I'm only quoting this one since it was the first one but... if you're gonna make a reference, at least make it right! DEAD DIE DID?
you don't know me but... HAPPY BIRTHDAY :D
tbh thats just a freaking awesome wallpaper- apocalyptic impossibilities or no :D
So, I've talked to a few people i know about this, but what are some of the best ways to increase your internet speed, which would include...
lol cmon u know me!! packrats ftw... thats y i still have my MTG and all those dam sleeves... i never ever throw anything out. lol i even had to...
I'm kind of on a Bleach kick right now... i dont really change my icons at all, since I have a lot and use most of em rarely. [IMG] btw i...
That wouldn't happen to be you and you-know-who would it blainerz?
1) Why are you interested in joining XoO:Guild Wars? I would like to join the GW Xoo branch for a little while since I'm playing GW before...
I definitely agree that the show has a lot of filler content, and like with most anime they only do one or two interesting things in an episode if...
ok well about 30 sec ago I posted something and it was there, so I guess it was just being stupid... sorry about this post :P
Awordofcaution just made me an awesome sig, and I saved it to my comp and uploaded it to the (hopefully) correct place in my profile customization...
ok guys thanks for the advice! from ur advice i guess i wont overclock anything afterall. I dont have enough cash lying around to spend on a new...
thanks! ok thanks for the info!!
So does any1 else watch the anime Bleach? Im watching it as i write this, and i think its a pretty good show. /discuss Edit: wow I just saw...
well i saw the commercial while watching Inglorious Bastards, and it looked pretty good. The commercial could have been better, since u cudnt hear...
lol u sound like a friend of mine whos rlly obsessed with TF2... i got it and DL it but it lags REALLY badly so i never got into it. but...
Well in general, ive never rlly liked tarantino, since I think hes kind of a dick, but this movie was awesome. I saw it with Blainerz a little...
i wudnt change a thing if i were u... i really like how it gets cut off under ur name, and the left edge looks awesome... and if u dont mind id...
I go to a techie high school, so even thought I hope to see posts here i will be asking around. I know that u can overclock ur processor on a...