Probably will be getting PS4 as my Xmas present to myself..... and a Vita as my New Years gift haha
Korean hardcore PvP game with a lot of class choice. You had me at Korean Kyoji.
This game makes me tingly in my down there.
I'm on right now
Really good plan actually. I really like the competition fights but I don't have an optimized team yet to be serious. If you rock a Poison Pokemon...
You can buy water stones at the stone store on Vernal ave in Luminose City. I have Y version so could possibly trade you some Mega stones . Let me...
This is my first game since the original Red 15 years ago. The franchise has come a long way and X and Y are great games. haha
Good shit guys. I have a Japanese Scizor with Pokerus. Really want a Shiny Froakie and Charmander. :bigeyes:
Be nice Rubius
Great thanks guys. I'm not even sure what type I have in my safari
Hey didn't know how many XoObies were playing Pokemon X & Y in their spare time but if anyone would like to share their friend ID to add to...
Toss my name on this list I'll be playing pretty actively once the game is live.
Haven't played a game in a long time and have been looking to get back into one I remember Rift being a lot of fun to play and I think I may be...
Hey Sexy
Since it seems like you play some FPS games you might want to check out the FPS division of XoO
This is our Cleric from Eso. Good player. Vouche.
Star Wars:TOR ApplicationHow old are you? 25 In-Game Name? Tzepic Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your primary class? (Sith...
RIFT ApplicationHow old are you? 25 In-Game Name? Tzepic Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your primary archetype? Cleric Why did...