formal interview given, xoObie tag given and tracker updated.
The next step in the application process will be for you to get onto our Teamspeak server and then hop into game with us. Once you're in-game...
left outfit to join Frizz outfit Sex drugs and lazers
left to be with Frizz's outfit Sex drugs and lazers
redcoms given, reinvited to outfit
left with kaws and frizz
welcome home. The next step in the application process will be for you to get onto our Teamspeak server and then hop into game with us. Once...
It was a pleasure to your application, i wish all of our applicants did that good a job. The next step in the application process will be for you...
left the outfit
denied due to lack of response
kicked due to inactivity
not in outfit, not sure if kicked or left on his own
kicked due to inactivity without afk message
redcoms given tracker updated i think
kicked for inactivity without afkmessage