i think i just threw up a little bit.
we have an 18+ age policy in this community so you are 2 years underaged
happy birthday!! :)
i cant belive you got Jen to agree to let you build her a computer. hope you join us in FF :) *feel the powaaah of the dark side*
Drew come and play FF14 ARR with us :)
omg that took me back to my happy teen years, playing this with my cousin, for hours on end :) *nostalgia mode on*
The next step in the application process will be for you to get onto our Teamspeak server and then hop into game with us. Once you're in-game...
reapplied, interview and redcoms given, tracker updated
Added Red Comms, Invited to outfit, Added to performance tracker
Oi a girlfriend is no excuse not to do your ps2 duties soldier! just teatch her how to play damnit! and Germany has really good internet...
Thank you for your application, however since you do not meet our age requirement of 18+, i cannot accept your application.