You're not going to recruit from 20 people. Half will quit for various reasons, the other half wont have enough people to do content, so no one...
Warplots alone require 40 people. And SC currently has over 50 with a year to recruit.
There is not going to be a move to SC. We're expecting all members to be active participants during the dog fighting module. As far as not...
Sek is probably the worst referral you could have.
I talked with Tron today. We're going to be expecting our members to participate in the Dog Fighting module coming out in a few weeks. Since you...
Because of some forum organization changes the thread got moved, but I just wanted to give a shout out to obsidn whose video was shown at the...
Hey, can you catch me in TS again to do an interview. Thanks.
Do you plan on purchasing a ship before the dog fighting module that will launch around April 10th?
<--- Streaming.
Both 1 and 2 are on steam! A lot of exciting tasks and different pets...
I would personally wait for the Mustang. It's going to be the second starter ship and it looks great.
Courtesy of Razer. 794EN97CPMNAYHRNP6M6
I'd give it a 5/10. It's got a lot of that "Oh we've got the same gun and I shot first, but somehow I die" going on.
We don't do casual as we're not a social FC.
Who are you?
Star Citizen ApplicationHow old are you? 22 In-Game Name? Killjoydoc Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes Why did you choose XoO & where did...
It's definitely fake. I wont even use science to debunk it.
If you dont believe it please go into your garage (make sure the door is closed), start your engine and sit in your car. The earth is just a...