Nha, digital is most likely referring to a toslink or SPDIF connection.
I got it to work after some putzing around with it. Turns out I need to close any music applications and restart them after selecting HDMI as my...
So I went and bought a new 32in Samsung LCD TV today. Currently, I'm using it as a monitor for shits and giggles. I'm using the HDMI output on my...
The bindable keys are grate with the programmable macro program Logitech makes. Also, the LCD great just because of one thing: Vent Support.
You mean the color of the backlighting?
I had a Drill Sgt in AIT(see: Job School) who took offense to the terms White and Black. He demanded that in anything we had to fill out with a...
Just thought I'd put my status update in here: I'll by staying at the Seattle Hilton(gogo military rates being waaaayyyy lower then anything...
Holy shit Pdog, you forgot the biggest fucking announcement of all: FFXIII IS NOW COMING TO THE 360
They are kinda dull headed. I called them once to ask what version of HDMI was installed in my laptop. Instead of giving me an exact version, they...
The reason I say the X205 series is this: I own one, and I bought it while deployed to Iraq. This thing has withstood an amazing amount of...