You find his columns as you do because you agree with his opinions, not because of any true factual validity to his statements. Statements like...
We need a forum called "asinine shit." It would be a good place for threads like this. With that out of the way... Being annoyed about people...
Batman by a large margin. Iron Man felt less like a movie and more like a tech demo of what Marvel has planned.
Thats like saying it's lazy to have a roll of TP by the toilet when you want to go take a shit.
Fuck, I need to go buy a crowbar.
I dont have a Nikon. I bought a Pentax K200D.
Terra imo.
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." -George Orwell It's what we...
Eh? We get Kefka, but no main hero from FFVI? OMFG DON'T GO AND HAVE A HEART ATTACK.... On second that, fucking die so I dont have to hear your bitching.
Beta hasn't started and wont start for a while. When it does, we'll probably hear something from CM.
Pics should be up some time today. Gotta let the haze of sleep lift off my ass first.
Anyone who could have gone and didn' fail at life. Like seriously, go find the tallest building in town and jump off of it. This was the...
At PAX right now, it's the shit. KTHXBAI
And 9/10 times I wouldn't give a shit. Reason being: If I'm rich there's a damn good chance I earned that money. I don't believe that if your poor...
Meh. I get 22mb down and 2mb up in my Barracks room in Savannah(And this is through Comcast). says that's faster then 95% of the...
I preordered a few days ago. Gamestop/EB Games(yes, take this with a grain of salt) is saying Nov 3rd, which falls nicely in that window.