Halarity ensues.
It makes me die inside that it's not an MMOFPS.
Failure to own this game is equivalent to failing at life.
nada fucker, where you been?
They still haven't started the beta D: edit: I stand corrected, apparently it started like 2 weeks ago.
you sir, have wit. I approve.
If they say the lag is 1ms at best, I call bullshit, it takes longer then that for info to leave your node. Edit: correted
this game is a must have.
Cant fuck with that pistol mouse's 800dpi. THAT'S SOME EXTREME SHIT SON. I'd like to take a moment today to remind everyone that this month, six years ago, a fledgling...
Best Christmas Story EVER
Check out this machinima. It's a music video to Flyleaf's So Sick(remixed version off the RE: Extiction sountrack). Extremely well done video....
06 Hyundai Tiburon GS This is all you need to know about it: [IMG]
Lev, as for "diamond reinforced" items, I'd put money on seeing diamond reinforced glass in abundance if this process can create cheap diamonds....
Already accepted into the beta, I'll see yall there sometime.
And he super weapons will be Midgar cannons and Diamond Weapons. Gas Powered Games + Square Enix = Supreme Commander 2. If you... I don't know what the forum rules are for plugging different things. In light of this, if pushing for people...
I'm down for any meeting place in GA with fellow xoobies. Just make it a weekend and give me a weeks notice.