If they can figure out how to keep that balance with a bipedal configuration, BAM one step close to robot legs. It'll be a risky procedure, but...
All I know is this. When PS2 hits, Xen will dominate it.
God damn, how many hours did that well go on for?
So what your saying is that Aion is doing a better job than Roch? Roch you best be pullin your god damned weight before we replace you with a...
The army has an exoskeletal system built. Only problem is that it has to stay hooked up to a power source to work for longer than 10 minutes.
Didnt give em a try. was having too much fun with power armor initially and then with lightning.
Since NDA is pretty much GG here are some of my thoughts from CB:(on powers) Melee was combersome Power Armor was a beast before they nerfed it to...
New Update OUT!
Question about your spec: I see you went 51/2/18 DPS Blood instead of the usuall 51/0/20 everyone is raving about. What made you decide to take...
Bit heavy on the melodrama, eh?
All of us that were running around in beta 1 were Alternates.
No. It was a much, much better, sane place.
I'm the other member inside the Outfit at the moment. I'll try to get in contact with Willy on Sunday or monday about handing over the guild so I...
Since you cant see me I'll just let you know there is a complete lack of care on my face. Not like I loose a buck if it doesn't sell.
New Mechwarrior Games Catalyst Labs gets the go ahead to republish the Unseen Mechs Battletech books returning to print I'm....I'm just so...
I have it. It still rocks.
Killed him at 11:59 didn't ya?
Outside of achivements, you get random drops based on time played.