Video seems broke to me :(
I always preferred rhubarb pie.
I let my phone run out of batteries too often to be afraid.
Now we need a fleet of them!
I am afraid... do we get a black dynamite month next?
Tribes! Interesting. I wish they showed more first person gameplay.
Ill see if anyone is still around when I get out around 10 pm central time.
I would love to come but I have night class then :(
Thats a big bug.
I have class :(
Well have to see how it turns out!
Oh boy!
Lol that is funny. They won't like it when you tell the truth I bet ;p
A comedy to look forward to!
I liked the story it told. Did he do all of it the modeling, texturing, and animation? or was it a group project type deal?
I love space. Great picture.
I'm excited.
What is this picture of?
This is a bad idea.