I survived Y2k so this should be no problem.
What did you think of the movie overall?
That is awesome!
Ive wanted to try it. but its so complex. Ill try it if you can tell me how ;p
Global Awards Most contributive member of 2012 Kyoji, Que Favorite leader of 2012 Q Popularity award of 2012 Sokar, Doc, Enigma, Kyoji
I think Gankfest For all sounds good. After all I don't want to be a hater.
This is always fun to do. GL all.
I loved saints row 3! This is a great deal.
ouch that can't be good for his career ;P
Hi there. Im just chuggin along. Seems harder to find time to play these days.
Ya ive only used Maya, zbrush, mudbox, and sculptress. Never used blender myself.
I'm up here at University of Texas at Dallas. Not a bad place. Great business, CS, and neuroscience.
I still need to see the movie. But idk if all the cheesy lines I loved so much from the first will be there :)
How complex are you trying to make this game? Something simple like transform mice or everybody edits? those kinds of games are fun to play while...
All I know is AS3 and some Unrealscript.
That's impressive.
For sure when the game is done.
Ya we have a new demo now with time trial mode and collectables to get. Plus we changed some levels around. In the trailer you can see we are...
You guys are awesome.