^^Gutless. I haven't been on lately :( Got busy with work, exercise and coaching :)
Jesus that's a killer deal. Wish I knew someone that worked at one of those places :o
Where do you live?
Looks like grabbing a second 670 for SLI is going to do the trick. I wasn't expecting anything from the green team until the end of this year or...
It wasn't either of those when I first saw it :/
Need your @______ just like the names I have listed in the first page. Queue time was 20 minutes.
Mother of god. Position 5000 for queue. Kind of wishing I had the hero of the north pack right now. IGN? ETA- wtf? now it says 11000th in...
4.5 hours until i can welcome all the new people.
^.^ Charlie is awesome ^.^ This movie looks badass. I would love to see a second cloverfield but this will suffice in the meantime.
Warlock is what I would likely delete my current control wizard for as offensive mage is what I prefer. That being said I am having quite a bit...
Initial post has been updated with current players I know of in game. I wouldn't mind setting up a guild in game if we can get enough people on...
Please post your IG contact info once you get into the game! **Just went to login and it says I'm not allowed to play! :o wtf?
You can roll your secondary with XoO on Dragon if you wish and play your primary with RL friends. Your account isn't bound to one shard. It's on a...
Looks like we are trying for dragon if you wish to play together until shards are merged.
I really want to get the 200$ pack but can't justify it to myself :/ I mean, Armored Spider?? Frakkin awesome! I happen to really like drow...
Foundry content is across shards.
Neverwinter Main Site Neverwinter Wiki Neverwinter Gateway Server: DRAGON Start Dates: Everyone Else: April 30th Current Players: Ryld...
QDC for when you decide to add video cards in the future. Should make expanding/changing out the card more pleasant.
Not so humorous when you have serious back issues and things like sitting or laying down the wrong way can cause discomfort or exacerbate the...