g400s is awesome. I've been nothing but pleased with it. I can nail headshots in crysis 3 with the DSG+reflex consistently. You'll regret nothing.
That would be shadowplay ;) I haven't actually used it yet. Only problem I have with Dxtory is that it doesn't play nice with precisionX/HWinFo...
hrm, I don't recall paying for it :/
Dxtory. It's the only program I use. Be sure to install the lagarith lossless codec. I don't take any hit to FPS recording lossless.
Not sure. I just checked giantbomb and it doesn't force my firefox into full screen mode. I'm running v25.0. Could it be an add-on? Maybe just...
Sounds like a lot of fun :) I didn't see delidding since it was soldered making a huge difference. 4.5 seems to be the limit on my 3570k. The...
so no TdM or CtF? That's a deal breaker :/ I don't have any desire to play against a computer :( I will be preordering bf4 in the next couple days
It is for the most part. The browser navigation is actually pretty fluid. It still isn't a mouse replacement and it's going to take someone more...
Anybody get their hands on this? I'm wondering if it's worth the d/l?
OS control has been pretty poor so far and I haven't used it a whole lot because of this. I have remained hopeful and check every now and then for...
Memory bandwidth still higher on the 290x cards?
780 ti If you don't want a titan it's the card to go to IMO if you need one right now. I think it's sad that all NVIDIA has to do is gimp their...
;) which one you looking at?
Is this after lowering the clock speeds and reinstalling the driver?
Grab a copy of furmark and run a burn in benchmark. Check to see if that sets it off at your normal operating conditions that have been giving...
To get the needed BSOD info download a program called BlueScreenView, it is an overclockers best friend. It will give you (us) all the needed...
This is awesome :) I don't think I would have done mine if it were soldered. I'm assuming you're going direct to die with it now? I'm just curious...
when 4k is playable at 120 FPS I'm in. Until then, not a chance. I would love to see a 4k panel though to see if any of the hype is at all justified.
Mayhaps this will assuage your fears of using the steam controller? I for one am looking forward to using it when it comes out.
Have they said you wouldn't be able to hook them up? As long as it's a USB interface they all seem to behave similarly.