im sitting in art class and this guy just came in 10 min late, that for one pisses me off. then he takes the seat right next to me instead of all...
hey when i try and go to it comes up with a screen saying that we have closed our doors. It has our logo and everything as well, yet i...
Edit - dad sold the tickets
lol i just saw this on tv :) check out 0:55 into the clip (may wanna start at like 0:50 so you dont...
lol so i just found this sight and alot of these are funny, i really liked this one [IMG]
so when i got my new computer i just used my mom's version of windows and the time to register it ran out so now i cant have a background and it...
have yall seen this? i just saw it on failblog and thought it was just a spoof but its not. check it out and make sure...
so i just watched the last ep of Air Gear with english voice overs by funimation....omg i think im going to cry it was so bad. I wish they would...
nothing major but seems server clock is 2hr ahead for me that the case for anyone else?
omg is fantastic if you havnt been you need to go but i warn you you will be laughing out loud im sitting in class looking at it...
dear god im reading over my notes and have cartoon network on and bakugan came on. this showis horriable no wonder it has 6 am time slot. voice...
boxers or boxer briefs?
is there like a arcade games section on our fourms? i know most of them have one its 5 am and i have nothing to do hope someone finds this fast....
Field Notes from a Catastrophe: Man, Nature, and Climate Change has anyone ever read it? know where i can get it online for free? i need to get...
anyone know where i can get some cool 1440x900 backgrounds? here is a sight to a bunch of 1024x768 and other sizes...
those of you who knew zerrax (undead warlock) on sargeras server prob didnt know he was a DJ as well, if you like dance music and music of the...