ill probably have enough friends to field a raid+ as well
played the battle royale version the last 2 nights, its a fun change of pace from pubg but ill be sticking with pubg as my main face shooting fix...
have you read Stiger's Tigers?
my wife was watching me play the other day because she likes lotr "wow this game is bloody.." "yeah I like taking the direct approach.." 'ohhh...
ive been working on wrapping up the first one, but i will also probably wait for the goty edition
seems like most of the servers have no issue, im on the xoo steam. ironjawxoo is my tag in pubg i believe my steam name is "headshotmemoreplz"
oh you can tell we are paying attention to the forums lately... what game you playing atm?
Looking for a steady 4th man for our squad, racked up 3 chicken dinners last night and two were back to back...
Yeah i think people were putting in a ticket to try and get moved together but people have toons scattered around. I will let them know on discord.
yeah if you are going hard thats a good place to be. guild is super quiet atm
They just made a guild since they didnt want to go through the legwork of hunting down who had it, not sure if Rune or someone is still holding it
I just picked up a HOTAS for Elite Dangerous in preparation for SC
GW2 has seen a resurgence of interest in recent weeks with the upcoming expansion and a large chunk of BDO players looking to stretch their legs...
im playing pubg tonight hit me up for an invite
yeah i got distracted by diablo 3 while some others are playing gw 2 due to all the issues. ill probably be getting on the AO wagon this weekend
Bunch of people from BDO re-installed GW2 and even have some newbies for some casual fun as a side game from BDO. If anyone its putzing around...
yeah past adept it starts to slow down, doing group expeditions and dungeons was really good fame though. we have been half assing it as well due...
we are over by fort sterling my man
Got a decent group going did some t4 dungeon grinding in a group down in mawar and killed the boss made some good xp
Hey did we get you hooked up? Whats your ingame name?