Yeah biggest complaint so far is once you hit 305 not much to do and theres nothing you can get in the raid that you cant get from doing the non...
skullfort is also available off the vendor this week right?
well arc has gone a little hog wild with channels for everything, i just mute all the ones i dont look at. yeah I know, believe me (head desk)
I think some of them are still butt hurt from some stuff that happened back in the Rift days but I'm trying. I think I put my tag on discord I'll...
Yeah clearing mobs then doing rings worked great
Discord is where people hang out alot unless something is specifically going on. Forums are pretty quiet because well nobody likes to read the forum's
People keep asking me about this game. I wish a good dragons dogma style mmo would come out
How'd you guys makeout
Yeah my crew plays nightly. We just cleared up to the final raid boss tonight. I've had a couple surgeries, hurt my back, and went away on...
yeah looks good looking forward to some combat footage etc
I should be catching up with you guys this week, wrapping up leveling etc. Talking to some friends to see about bringing them over
oh poopie
Yeah that could help, hows the graphic engine? whats the pay structure? b2p?
Nice, you can also get solid xp and gear leveling up in pvp. Since gear and levels are standardized (besides perks) you can hold your own, start...
yeah im behind the curve after going away going to try to grind it out tonight. reset is weds morning?
I'll see about migrating my buddies over, I was away in Ohio since weds morning but looks like they have about 8 in clan from people we know irl...
Hmmm do they do anything to curb it from being a zerg fest or help protect you from logging into to your base being wrecked every night?
life is feudal mmo is different? Looks pretty though
I was going to buy it on amazon for the discount but i knew i would be missing thurs-sunday being away and the only had the base edition, so i...