Oh thanks for applying! Let me know when is a good time tomorrow and I'll get Ani and I to interview you.
Sounds good. I think we should shoot for saturday around 11 pst, 2 est. I will send you the ts info
Thank you for applying Kroll! When is a good date and time to conduct an interview with you?
Morbidar let me know when you are available
Interviewing her now
Gonna create a guild tonight! Give me your in game name so we can do this can destroy our enemies
Actually might take a min to make one. Need 150K Imperial Notes, but we'll have one before early access is over.
I'm creating a guild in a minute. Put you in-game here or for quicker response join our Discord! https://discord.gg/G3M3wE4 Then post in there.
Morbidar is in our CoE community and in my Duchy, but Ani still hasn't talked to him.
Wow Asin, thank you very much for applying. Ani and I will be in contact with you soon.
Hello everyone, There will be a CoE meeting on February 4th at 12 pm Pacific / 3 pm Eastern. We will discuss the game for those who do not know...
Still out. I will let you know when Im back. If you are available. If not, then no big deal.
I will send you our ts info. I should be available around 2 or 2 30 pst. Just got last minute errands to run before Christmas.
@DARKTIDE!! You need to include Blade and Soul too. That was a supported division during this year.
If nothing else I would buy the game for 35 dollars because if you wait it will be 50
Kickstarter price
Layaway is up! It will end in mid November so try and get your pack ordered by then. All you do is pay 10% of w/e pack you want then pay it off...
Yeah sorry I missed you. @Efi did you talk to them?
You are already a member of XoO so you don't need to put an app in. Make sure you join our user group, and we'll need to interview with you to...