TYVM for applying! Let me know a good date and time for a quick interview in TS. I see you don't have a mic, but we will need to do the interview...
Tyvm for applying! Let me know a good date and time to do a quick interview with you in ts. I see you dont have ts3, you will need to download...
TYVM for applying! Let me know a good date and time to do a quick interview in TS.
Sorry I was in a PoTD. I can be available in a little bit. Like maybe an hour or so. Gotta go run an errand, but I'll be back. It will be done in...
TYVM for applying. Let me know a good date and time to do a quick interview.
Tyvm for applying! When is a good time to do a quick interview in ts? I wont be available until later tonight.
Thank You very much for applying! Please let me know when is a good time to do a quick interview with you in ts.
Yeah dont worry about it; real life happens. I will be available multiple times today. Just let me know when you are ready. Im talking to another...
Yeah that's not an issue. Just let me know, and if need be I can walk you through it.
Thank you so much for applying! When would be a good time to get you in TS?
Tyvm for applying! What is a good time to talk to you? You will need to at minimum download TS3 for me to talk to you for 5 min.
Yeah that should be fine. I will send you ts info.
That should be fine just let me know
Thank you very much for applying! When is a good time I can talk to you in TS?
You can come join up if you want. A new expansion released though so Heavensward is kinda useless for endgame stuff. You can still level up...
Sorry I didn't respond earlier. Good to see you back! Give us a message when you are in-game and join the usergroup.
@Anthony Morad Awesome! Feel free to join our XoO discord and we can give you the FFXIV role. Always willing to help out some new people. Let me...
Thank you very much for applying! I will send you a pm.
@Ironjaw would welcome @Blitzend if they wanna play FFXIV with us.
@Roojie you could always transfer servers.