- Members are expected to abide by these Rules and Regulations on the Forums, in TeamSpeak, and across all games played.
- Members are expected to be familiar with the goals of their division and are to conduct themselves in a manner that helps achieve those goals.
- Members must put division in-game objectives before their own and must participate in division activities unless otherwise excused by division leadership.
- Posts or threads questioning XoO's direction will not be tolerated. Individuals not interested in following our structure may leave. (// XoO is competitive //)
- Members are expected to be dedicated to Xen of Onslaught as a whole and to their specific division. Members must work together to create a positive gaming environment and to uphold the quality reputation of Xen of Onslaught. In order to uphold that quality reputation all members are expected to research their in-game role(s) in order to maximize their abilities.
- TeamSpeak use is required unless otherwise excused by division leadership. Members must have a working speaker setup /or/ headset and a working microphone.
- Members, in game channels, must keep non-game related chat to a minimum if requested by division leadership.
- Members will not be allowed to play in other guilds on the same server as a XoO division with conflicting goals unless otherwise approved by the division leadership for that game.
- Members must follow the Terms of Service for the game in which they are playing. Xen of Onslaught expects fair play from all members; therefore, the use of exploits, bugs, hacks, botting, or any other activity prohibited by the game’s Terms of Service is prohibited.
- All XoO members will be expected to follow the Chain of Command and go through the proper channels with grievances or complaints. Skipping the chain or back-channeling to higher command will not be tolerated.
- Personal grievances must be handled through the use of private conversations or through TeamSpeak communications and are not to be posted on the forums.
- Personal grievances should be discussed FIRST with the offending party before moving up the chain of command with a complaint.
- Inappropriate comments based on race, gender, color, sex, and national origin will not be tolerated.
- Inflammatory content on the forums used to incite problematic situations will not be tolerated. Suggestions will be put into the suggestions forum in a constructive and clear manner without derogatory remarks. Remarks that spark negativity about individuals /or/ divisions are expected to be kept private and be put through to the proper channels.
- Xen of Onslaught is a mature gaming community and as such there will be a certain level of communication that some people may find offensive. Divisions may restrict inflammatory communications including, but not limited to, yelling, swearing, and complaining as needed.