im a late nighter usually 10pm EST till sometime after. almost all of the experimental build have not been compatible to play on maps created from...
ive run a few servers on the experimental build and love the changes. as long as by when they are done and it realy is backwards compatible the...
ok so you're luna :)
oh i could get on but was still browsing forums and other stuff..still waiting on CoE store to exist.... also Pro vs Con on the A15 update list...
come play with us
it starts as 9x9 then 7x7 5x5 and finally 3x3 i believe just was loooking on their forums and couldnt find anything on the maps so i didnt know...
hmm well have a bunch but only really dug at one was up in snow and there's one of these there now never found a chest i only asked about the...
you svr sdmin? see questions above
Oh big question have the motor bikes been fix any. or just work on your server. last server i played they were very broken, super prone to terrain...
im way up north and a bit east of y'all by the map. seems everytime in log in its 1900 :confused:
wohoo thanks i'll be joining later havent played since i dropped it in frustration halfway through A14
server detail info link non exist :/