Trying to complete the summer mission, need to win 3 Operation matches. Tied of bad matches with randoms who struggle to get 1 kill. I play...
Just saw it in 3D IMAX. It was awesome. As somebody who still has their Warcraft: Orcs and Humans CD, it really delivered for me. 7/10 as a movie,...
I'll be playing the PC beta tomorrow night and Saturday. Steam name is Utherix I think. magic
All of these changes wont be in the test this weekend, according to this reddit thread....
My favorite change is NPC collision followed by quicker leveling in beginning. That means we can get to PvP faster :)
IMO "eating your words" means they said something foolish to begin with, then were proven wrong.
I aimed it at your profile page.
I don't think they have to eat their words. It would be a fair guess given the history of MMOs development process. Just look at SWTOR, which...