I also find the UI to be a tad dumber now, my teammates seem to die so much they will run out into the open when they have low health and its...
I just finished saving miranda's sister, I'm apparently only a few away from going through the omega 4 relay, when are you making these decisions...
I'm pretty sure I already lost Tali, alien biotch I dun wan nuna dat.
Is the sex scene with miranda staple to the story or do you have to make the right choices?
Darksiders - Xbox 360, PS3 Imagine all the best aspects of all your favorite games rolled up into one, that is what Darksiders is. I just...
Link is to a jersey shore spoof with Mario party characters. It is hilarious. http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3177676
I have been looking foward to this for the longest time but sadly I am starting school up again and won't have time to play it. I guess I will...
That was my problem with the game also, the game itself was good it was the social aspect that wasn't good. Anyway glad it's coming back the game...
Hellgate:london is apparently coming back to NA, under a new publisher with tons of new updates article here...
I own this for 360 if anyone wants to play sometime, gamertag is Flaex
Isis opening for tool was simply amazing, I know what you mean when they opened in NY everyone was sitting down disinterested. I thought they were...