If you can message me in game whenever is good for you and we can talk on ts! My name is Saa'ti and I am on your guy's server. I would still love...
Hey, sorry I missed you! I was doing a final for one of my classes and the school server went down. So what should have been 1 hour, took 5. I am...
Wednesday sounds good to me. I can be on at 9 your time if that works for you?
Hehe, actually tomorrow night might be hard for me, I think tonight or Wednesday will be better, if that is good for you?
Yeah I can be on anytime. I am on mountain time, so whenever is good for you.
Star Wars:TOR ApplicationHow old are you? 26 In-Game Name? Saa'ti Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your primary class? (Sith...