Re heh that's what I had in mind but didn't want to induce more arguing over my candidature. :P
My CL is at 1.05 sec cast and I know I'm not at the softcap yet ( exept when using CDs but that's another story ). Still, for me, the benefits of...
Re Saddens me to hear that you think that way. I did my researches and CL wasn't a spell to avoid at all like you said until you hit the haste...
Re I did change the talents + gemming + Glyphs according to suggestions . Works just fine :-) As for the DPS, I do not have the screenshot...
Indeed, I got enough haste to get the 1s GCD and around-ish 1.5 sec cast LB that's why I do not use CL since it costs lots more of mana and isn't...
Here's another from today, Patchwerk - 10 man - 2 minutes : [IMG]
Re Elemental warding is a choice I made concerning progression raiding. Since ICC has many high raid damage mechanism, it's better for me and...
Re That was a Jarraxus kill actually :-) That was the most relevant one! Well I am over hit cap only if a boomkin is present... that's why I gem...
1. Character Info: Name, Class, Main Spec (Link armory): Roshnaks -Main: Elemental Shaman Offspec: Restoration -...