GlobalAwards Most contributive member of 2014(list up to 8) (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information, donating to the guild, or...
Let me know if you have this game and are on PS4! Hit me up! jlcreepy is my psn!
Era! Answer the man! You dont want to miss this!!
Era is a great guy, I think everyone would enjoy his company. Plus this is my eternal bonding partner!
Good guy right here, another friend of mine :)
Blazze, this is one of the friends I spoke with you last night about.
Sounds great, I played with a group of XoO members tonight, good times!
How old are you?: 29 What is your in-game name?: Oogie Boogie Have you read the FFXIV Code of Conduct?: Yes Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working...