sorta, yes haha
gunna shower bbiab, ill be in game, gunna stick around in meeting hall on ts3. Character name Kyrkos (fam name) Truthinmylie
i was in meeting hall, not sure what i was doing wrong. just let me know. ill be checking in team speak will stay on.
im in, first time user on ts3 be gentle xD
Usually Awake
+1nd cook's suit as well. used 1 failstack, i have a lvl 10 -karma alt as well, hesitant to use reblath. will probably find a better way.
13 alts, 6 pets 1 t2, cooking outfit (skilled 9) would like to get into alchemy, fishing isnt really my thing, will fish to make dry fish for good...
I can add i have 300 hours played in 2+ weeks, new to the game, havent explored the ocean yet. Ive barely got my feet wet in Altinova *manes* dk...
Are you over 18?: Yes Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone?: Yes What previous gaming experience do you have?: everything lol, sc, d2,...